The Hunger Games- Catching Fire Movie



Hunger Games 2 Catching Fire Movie

I love this movie so please allow me to elaborate on how I think about this movie ( sisters who can't wait to tell a gossip with you...).
This has been a long-awaited movie for me, so when I finally had the chance, I dragged my husband to a company me because one thing for sure, I hate going to the movie by myself (FYI: he is not a hunger game idol).  Anyhow, the movie is a lot better than the first Hunger games ( and yes! The Catching Fire is my favorite novel out of the trilogy). This movie is funny and the graphic is amazing, although as entertaining as it is, I was a bit disappointed.  I was expecting to have the same vibe like when I read the novel but somehow I got mixed feeling about this movie. In my opinion, the novel more emphasizes to Katnis and Peta romance, and the Catching Fire is where the story of  Katnis and Peta romance grew, but in this movie they still look stranger to one another until almost at the end of the movie, they look disconnect to each other. I lost Peta charm as how Novel describe him.

It seems to me the movie more emphasize to the story of the revolution and how Katnis without (realizing it) become the symbol of the revolution. Peta in the novel is described as well-spoken and funny young men who fall deeply in love with Katnis, so he loves talking to her and teasing her but, I didn't see that in this movie. He is a totally different person, quiet and a boring. And Gale?! where is the ambitious person that I got from the novel?! ( but Liam is so hot, so never mind as long as I can watch his handsome face)
 Anyway, I do love Haymich Abernathy, Effie Trinket and Johanna Masson, they are exactly like what novel described them. And, to be honest, at first, I was a bit disappointed when I heard they chose Sam Claffin to be Finnick Odair, but now that I watched the movie, it was brilliant for them to chose him ( This is why we should leave the movie to make their own choices).  I love how Sam brings Finnick Odair to life, it such a perfect matched, I feel connected with the novel when I saw Sam acting.  And Effie Trinket more fabulous than ever in this 2nd movie I really enjoyed her accent and her style.

 My favorite scene in this movie it got to be when katnis and Peta rode the Chariot in the stadium, they look so grand, KUDOS for the graphic department ( clapping my hands) and also I love Katnis style and makeup, she just looks fabulous and glamour. It mentions that some people compared her to Elizabeth Taylor in Cleopatra movie and I agree to that.

Finally, all I can say about this movie, despite my little bitty disappointment, I still think this is worth to watch and still on my favorite list. This movie is entertaining, funny and also melancholic ( yes! I cried especially when they met Rue family, it was such a touching moment)

If you read the novel first you've might be a bit disappointed but hey...this is just one person opinion maybe you will find it different so lovelies there you go, hurry up to go see the movie and say what you think, I want to hear from you!


Here are some the pictures of Hunger Game Catching Fire Movie:
Pictures Credit:


47 Responses to “The Hunger Games- Catching Fire Movie ”

  1. We must see this film, we saw the first and we liked it and Jennifer is amazing, we dedicated her a post!

  2. I went to see it and I absolutely loved it! Although the first was good, this was definitely better, and in my opinion even better than the book :D

  3. We just saw the first one so that we can go see this one... I was not sure I'd like it, but I did!!

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